Students in Medical and
Health Sciences Education
SIMHSE (Student in Medical and Health Sciences Education) empowers students to engage in teaching and curriculum development, contributing to innovative initiatives like peer teaching, active learning, and EdTech. The following are examples of various SIMHSE projects and initiatives occurring at HKU.
SIMHSE in EdTech
E-learning Sets
Interactive E-learning Sets are asynchronous online learning modules that present didactic (i.e. text, images and videos) and interactive elements (i.e. various question types with automated feedback) in a well-considered learning sequence that enables learning of concepts, immediate knowledge check and personalised summaries. These interactive modules have been developed for e-practicals, e-lecture packages, and e-workbooks for consolidation of core concepts.

Clinical Interactive Worksheets
These asynchronous worksheets train students’ stepwise thought processes through diagnostic reasoning and clinical investigations. Case vignettes are followed by systematic questioning coupled with feedback. The immediate, automated, and elaborate feedback given will enable students to prepare for succeeding steps of clinical investigation. Clinical interactive worksheets have been successfully used to train pathology-specific clinical investigations and data interpretations of chest X-rays, computed tomography (CT) scans, electrocardiograms, etc.
Flashcard Resources
This student-initiated resource aims to provide a systematic organisation of core concepts and systematic tool for learning. The organisation of concepts is co-developed by both teachers and students in table formats. The organised content is delivered through a flashcard software (ANKI) that utilises algorithms promoting active recall and spaced repetition, hence, enabling mastery of difficult concepts over time. Currently, flashcard resources for Pharmacology have been made widely available to MBBS student cohorts.

Simulation-Enabled Practicals
Physiological and pharmacological concepts can often be challenging for healthcare students to grasp. Simulations are promising means to help students consolidate core physiological and pharmacological concepts. New facilities (e.g. Techmezz) and clinically relevant problems are used in executing simulation-based practicals to greatly enhance healthcare students’ motivation and learning.
Adaptive Learning Simulations
These are simulation modules to train decision making. Adaptive learning simulations follow a narrative structure. A learner is presented with a case and must make decisions from a list of options in multiple situations. After the learner chooses, they are presented with the consequences of their choice and the ensuing situation. These simulations have been relevantly used in Medical Ethics and Law, and Medical Humanities teaching.

Online Tagging System
The online tagging system enables clear organisation and visualisation of teaching and learning materials in the learning management system. By inputting a specific topic, learners acquire a list/map of the relevant materials across years of study that are related to the topic of interest.
Active Learning Pedagogy
Active Learning Workshops
Active Learning Workshops are multidisciplinary workshops which will guide students towards consolidation of key concepts, integration of disciplines, and application of knowledge to real case scenarios. These workshops are part of a flipped classroom approach that is designed and facilitated by multidisciplinary teaching teams and near-peer teachers. Active learning strategies are employed.

Interactive Diagrams
Interactive diagrams can scaffold structural identification for complex diagrams. Learners can show and hide different layers of a diagram to thoroughly learn a specific layer and its interconnections with other layers. Currently, interactive diagrams are developed for the learning of complex neurological systems, anatomy, and histology.
Interactive Stations
Each interactive station makes use of step-by-step guides (with illustrations, prompting questions, feedback) to enable in-depth exploration of a specific topic. Currently, interactive stations are developed for in-person practicals and workshops of any class size.

Gamified Learning
Gamification of learning uses game design elements (e.g. narrative structure, experiential learning, and game-player feedback) in non-game contexts. Board games and online games are developed for conceptual revisions or to create immersive learning experiences in ethical dilemmas, healthcare inequalities, and empathy training.
Peer Teaching
Near Peer Tutors in Problem-Based Learning
Near Peer Tutors (NPTs) are students from a more senior year of study who play the roles of tutors in small group discussions in problem-based learning. NPTs facilitate the completion of group tasks in relation to the learning outcomes. They are trained by The Bau Institute of Medical and Health Sciences Education (BIMHSE) of HKUMed before being assigned tutor roles.

Near Peer Teaching for Preclinical Students
The Pre-clinical Near Peer Teaching program has successfully run for three years. Senior students from Year 3 to 6 deliver Zoom tutorials to junior students in Year 1 to 2. It complements formal teaching, integrates knowledge across lectures, and bridges the gap between pre-clinical and clinical. Peer learners benefit from interaction with seniors, while peer teachers gain a deeper understanding through teaching. Over 300 students have benefited with positive feedback.
Near Peer Teachers for Clinical Students
Expanding on our successful pre-clinical NPT, we are introducing in the clinical years Case Discussion Workshops and Bedside Teachings in the upcoming academic year. These sessions will be supported by Dr. Desmond Yap, Dr. Gary Lau, Dr. Pauline Yeung, and Dr. Billy Cheung. Bedside Teachings will cover physical examination demonstrations and practice, while Case Discussion Workshops will focus on the framework for history taking and interpretation of investigations, essential for clinical year students.

Peer moderators on Moodle Discussion Forums
Senior year students serve as peer moderators on Moodle discussion forums to engage in discussions with junior students over core learning concepts, sharing with them their learning insights and good learning resources. Peer moderators play an important role in fostering a supportive learning environment through peer engagement.