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Students as Partners: Community of Practice Seminar

We were recently invited to a sharing session at the Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre (TALIC) where students talked about their experience on projects in Formalising Student-Educator Partnership in Curriculum and Pedagogy Co-Creation.

Universities strive to enable students to become full partners in teaching and learning (T&L). However, are both students and educators equipped for this novel situation? We set in motion a move towards formalised student-educator partnership. In University of Hong Kong’s Medical Faculty (HKUMed), we successfully leveraged student-educator partnerships in co-designing curriculum/pedagogy to develop over 20 T&L innovations implemented in the formal curriculum. We will share the longstanding innovations that have powerfully engaged learning and brought about new views of T&L. This initiative has also achieved world-class standard in educational innovation, being awarded the Global Bronze Winner in QS Reimagine Education 2023.

Date : 24 Jan 2024 (Wed)

Time : 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Venue : Learning Lab (RRS 321, 3/F, Run Run Shaw Building, Main Campus, HKU)

Speakers included:

  • Dr. Mei Li Khong, Lecturer / Digital Education Consultant, LKS Faculty of Medicine, HKU

  • Mr. Ho Ka Chun, Clement, 5th-year MBBS student, LKS Faculty of Medicine

  • Mr. Chan Hei Man, Winson, 4th-year MBBS student, LKS Faculty of Medicine

  • Ms. Lee Ka Ching, Monica, 4th-year MBBS student, LKS Faculty of Medicine

  • Ms. Lam Chin Yau, Viviana, 4th-year MBBS student, LKS Faculty of Medicine

  • Ms. Ng Tsz Ching, Alexia, 3rd-year MBBS student, LKS Faculty of Medicine

  • Mr. Wong Cheuk Lun, Ethan, 3rd-year MBBS student, LKS Faculty of Medicine

Read more about the talk on TALIC's webpage here.

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