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We are delighted to congratulate Professor Joshua Ho on receiving the Faculty Teaching Medal at the 2023 HKU Excellence Awards Presentation Ceremony. This distinguished award recognizes Prof. Ho's outstanding teaching abilities and his unwavering dedication to education.

Prof. Ho is a key figure in preparing the curriculum for BSc(Bioinformatics), and his commitment to excellence in education has undoubtedly enriched the learning experiences of future bioinformaticians. He has consistently demonstrated a deep passion for teaching and has inspired his students through his innovative and effective teaching methods. This well-deserved recognition is a testament to Prof. Ho's outstanding teaching skills, instructional impact, and his overall commitment to the advancement of education. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Prof. Joshua Ho on this remarkable achievement and look forward to seeing his continued success in preparing and inspiring future generations of bioinformatics students.

Congratulations to Dr. Mei Li Khong of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine (Leader), Professor Julian A. Tanner (Biomedical Sciences), Dr. Fat Man Lau (Teaching and Learning Innovation Centre), and Professor Gary K.K. Lau (Medicine) for their exceptional work on the project titled "Students as Co-Designers – Formalising Student-Educator Partnerships in Curriculum and Pedagogy Co-Creation" which has earned them the University's 2023 Teaching Innovation Award (Team).

Their innovative project has transformed the traditional teacher-student dynamic and fostered a collaborative and inclusive learning environment for the MBBS course by involving students as co-designers in the co-creation of curriculum and pedagogy. Their work promotes a student-centered approach to education and encourages a sense of ownership and responsibility among MBBS students. By empowering MBBS students and equipping them with essential skills for lifelong learning, Dr. Mei Li Khong and her team have made a significant contribution to advancing innovative teaching practices.

Their project serves as an inspiration for educators seeking to create inclusive and collaborative learning environments that prioritize student agency and engagement. Once again, congratulations to Dr. Mei Li Khong, Professor Julian A. Tanner, Dr. Fat Man Lau, and Professor Gary K.K. Lau for their exceptional work and well-deserved recognition.

We want to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Dr. Enoch Chan from the School of Clinical Medicine and School of Biomedical Sciences at Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, on receiving the esteemed Early Career Teaching Award. Dr. Chan's unwavering dedication to education, coupled with his innovative and dynamic teaching methods, have undoubtedly set him apart as an exceptional educator. His passion for instilling knowledge and nurturing future healthcare professionals is truly commendable.

Once again, congratulations to Dr. Enoch Chan for this well-deserved recognition. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact you will undoubtedly make in shaping the future of healthcare education.


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